Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Why I said no to Africa///an update

       The nice thing about being a ghost writer (surprise! I'm not really Emily Luken) is that I can share a lot without worrying too much about what others will think of me. Cause you don't really know me... whether or not this is a good thing I don't know, but let's move on. Sometime around last Friday, I was having some desperation. I told God that I wanted Him to tell me to do something. I'm young, yes, but that's no excuse. Well, on Sunday, between services at church, I was talking to my friend and her mom. The comment of "you need to save up your money and go to Rwanda with us this November!" was made, and it stuck. I love to go. But I hate coming back. I thought about it, a little. Maybe.... Fast forward to Monday, yesterday, at Target. I was telling my mom about a cute notebook I saw that said, "I just want to explore." My sister, in all her innocence, asked, "you just want to explore Target?" I, of course, explained to her that no, I wanted to explore the world. Then, my mom said it. "Well, then go to Rwanda." To quote what I wrote in my journal, "really, mom, really?" Yeah. So that afternoon I did even more thinking about it. Financially, I decided, it was possible. Maybe... Then I checked the dates for the trip. November 14-26. Nope, that won't work, that's during the Mexico mission trip. At this point in my life, I feel more of a pull toward Mexico than Africa, because I can go to Mexico multiple times a year and build relationships. So that was that. And then this morning during my quiet time, I felt God saying, "If you're not going to go to Africa with the Jones" (the last name has been changed) "then you're going to help them get there." So, this is all preliminary, but it looks like I might become knee-deep in fundraising for a mission trip I'm not going on. That's what's going on in my life. A little odd, maybe, but I'm following God's call, so whether or not it's odd doesn't really matter to me.
