Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Crazy Love

         Recently, I finished reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan. I read a chapter a day during my quiet time and I really enjoyed it. It was, at times, challenging to read because it made me question myself, but that's a good thing for an American Christian to do. Overall, it was a good read, well written, and I enjoyed the real-life examples.
          One real-life example I enjoyed was about Grandma Clara, Chan's mother-in-law. She would spend hours in the morning with Jesus, and merely glancing at the place where she sat while doing it would bring her tears of joy in anticipation of the next morning's time with Him. How beautiful is that? Once, Chan, Grandma Clara, and some other family members were at a play. During the intermission, Chan asked Grandma Clara if she was enjoying the play. Her response? Something along the lines of, "It's okay, but I keep asking myself, 'Is this where I want to be when Jesus comes back? In a theatre? Or serving Him? Yes, I would want to be serving Him.'" Wow. That has caused me to ask myself that same question these past few days. Sometimes, the answer is "Yes, this is a good thing to be doing when Jesus comes back," or other times, "No. When the Lord comes down, I don't want Him to find me watching TV or yelling at my sister." Do I drop what I'm doing right then and start doing something to serve Him? Not always, I must admit. Sometimes, I justify it, saying, "Well, everyone needs a break." I've come to realize that there are better ways to take a break, but sometimes I find myself in front of the TV anyways. It's hard, and sometimes, I just don't want to. But I'm trying, and I hope my effort pleases Him.
        This book really affected the way I think. It, in fact, is what prompted me to start this blog. While reading it one day, the phrase, "Take up your cross" came across my mind. The very next chapter used that same phrase. God is awesome, isn't He? The main takeaway I have from this book is how to really live a life following Jesus: spend time with Him, love Him, love people, and give generously. By doing those four things, I hope I can live a life pleasing to God.
         I recomend this book for any Christian looking to be challenged in their faith. If, however, you're just looking for a read about how God loves us just the way we are, this book isn't for you. This book is for the commited, not the faint of heart. I hope that through this post, you will be encouraged to read Crazy Love, and take up your cross.

-Emily, crazy in love with Jesus

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