Monday, December 21, 2015

Adventures on the (Part-time) Mission Field {2}

          Welcome to the second post in my "adventures" series! Last post I wrote about a time when things went wrong, and today I have a story about the same. Wow, having things go wrong sure does make for exciting stories, huh?

          It was June 19th, and I was on my first overseas, plane-required mission trip. Our group was small- a married couple and myself. That day, we had flown into Atlanta, and would soon fly out to Brazil- a ten hour overnight flight. After dinner at Pei Wei, we went to our gate to wait. Our flight that was supposed to leave at ten was then delayed three and a half hours. My traveling companions realized we had a lot of time, so they pulled out their iPad mini to Skype their kids, while I decided to see if my friend was up for a chat. She was, and to my surprise, she was at another friends' house, twins, so I had three people to keep me entertained. I talked with them and we played Monopoly Deal over Skype (I won and will never forget that) and then my companions started a conversation with the Brazilians seated across from us. (Brazilians are really friendly, making this a pleasant layover) They kept talking and talking and I was trying to think of a way to tell my friends that I needed to go be friendly without just saying that out loud, cause, you know, they could hear me. I faked my internet problems and texted them that I needed to go, and then joined in the conversation around me. They were very nice- a husband, wife, and a little girl. We discussed the usual traveler stuff- jobs, beautiful places to visit in Brazil (we weren't going there as our final destination but at least we got tips for if any of us ever do), and kids. Then, there was an announcement. Our flight had been cancelled. Anger towards..well... everyone swelled up inside me.

Look out for the next section of the this sometime in the next few days.


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