Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Adventures on the (Part-time) Mission Field {4}

          I'm back with more to share

So, we were standing in one of the largest airports in the world with only a few hours' sleep under our belts surrounded by all of the hustle and bustle. Then, one of my travel companions announced that our church's missions pastor was flying our way. The way he said it, it made it sound like he was coming to rescue us. Upon clarification, I realized that he was not. (We didn't really need rescuing in the first place) He had a layover in the airport we were in and so while we were there we would stop by their gate and say hi. But that wasn't for another three hours, so after dinner we went to our gate to wait. I honestly cannot remember what I did in all of that waiting, but I am sure it included a lot of instagramming and youtubing. Finally, their plane was about to land, so we took the plane train (we took that thing so many times I will never forget its speech every time you get on and off) to a different concourse. There we waited and waited and waited, until it looked like they were not even on the plane in the first place. Finally, the missions pastor's daughter, an intern in my youth group, deplaned and I called her name. Her response was that of a tired traveler who was very confused, but it was great to see her. We walked their whole family down to their next gate (at this point we seemed to know where everything in the airport was), took a selfie, and bid them adeiu. The rest of my tale is boring- we went back to our gate and saw a plane. We then boarded that plane and flew through the night, and we finally landed in Brazil the next morning. And that concludes my airport adventure. 


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